Thursday, October 19, 2017

Is a "thank you" too much to ask for?!

Whether it be from your child, coworker, spouse, or friend- don't you just want to hear the words "thank you" every once in a while?  This idea came to me after a longggg Tuesday and during my reading of '5 Love Languages'.

We might not all feel emotional fulfillment from words of affirmation.  But I'd dare to say all of us do enjoy feeling appreciated.  It feels good on the outside- maybe you walk a bit taller.  And it feels good on the inside, maybe you get butterflies or just have a happy heart moment.

On average 1 in 3 adults do not get the minimum recommended amount of sleep.  Why?  Part of it is because people are overworked, over booked, and have jam packed calendars.  I can't preach about that.. I have 4 part time jobs myself.  (my own fault, I know) But with most of us working so hard, wouldn't it be nice to at least feel good inside and appreciated.   Don't you think it might make us feel more fulfilled in those areas of our lives?

I've been trying to be purposeful about the thank you's I've been sending Dave's way recently.  He is the lawn mower in the house.  No doubt about it!  But when he mowed the lawn this week I asked myself, "how many times have I thanked him after mowing the lawn?"

I wasn't really sure.  So that meant I can definitely improve in this area.  Even if Dave's love language isn't words of affirmation.. acknowledgment and appreciation can only help.

Don't you get a little spark when someone says "thank you", "you're the bomb", or something along those lines?  So that's my challenge to you.  Even if it's not your spouses love language, you have no idea what I mean by love language, or you're thinking about the workplace, gym, or home- I challenge you to try and say "thank you" at least 5 times a day. (yes, think and then intentionally say it!)

Is that so hard?  No!  So why do we let things slide by?  I don't think the majority of us feel a stranger must hold the door for us, a child give us a compliment, or a friend do the dishes after dinner.  I completely understand routine.  But come on people, that cannot be our excuse!

So hold yourself accountable- make someone's day, speak their love language, or just acknowledge someone's kindness and watch your world and the other person's world brighten!

leave the eh behind
and gosh darn it say thank you

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