Bucket list? psssh well for this girl, that's obsessed with lists and goals and not knowing when my day will be to pass on, a bucket list just seems too undefined. And they say if you make a goal it needs to be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely.
HA! a bucket list is not cutting it as a "smart" goal. I'm not hating on a bucket list.. it's great to have thoughts on what you want to do and where you want to go.. but I like having a "finish line". (even if some days I'm crawling or stumbling my way there) So 30 before 30 seemed just right for me. So you're 40.. oh well! Even though you're over the hill, you can still make an awesome set of goals for yourself. Make your own set up.. 45 before 45 or 20 before 2020.. whatever suits you!
So here's what my 30 before 30 looks like.. I have it framed, sitting on my dresser so that I see it as a constant reminder. (It's also nice to be reminded daily, I'm not 30 yet!)
If we don't have any goals or dreams.. then are we just aimlessly walking through life? Driving to work, eating the same lunch every day, checking emails, feeding the dog, checking social media, and going to bed to do it all over again. WHAT?!? We're only on this amazing earth once, I don't want to be the one that went to work everyday, got married, had kids, and died. I want to make a difference in my community, see places, grow as an individual, and truly live out my dash. Who knows what number will come after my dash.. it could be 2017 for all I know.

I'm not necessarily saying we should take life advice from middle schoolers and 'YOLO' our rear ends off.. but they're onto something there. No I don't encourage you to go rob a bank since 'You Only Live Once', but I do encourage you to write down those things you want to do, see, and the person you're aiming to be. We can hold ourselves accountable and know if we're on pace if it's written down and like every educator knows, if you physically write it down, it's more likely to stick. So go! Dream, write, go big, go cheap, donate 20% of your salary, go hard, or go home with not much to say for in your dash.
leave the "eh" behind
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