People always ask questions like would you rather have the power to see the future or go back to the past- rather be burned alive or drown.. Or if you were king or queen for a day what would you do?

1. The little nine at the end of every gas price
Please, stop making me feel good about buying gas for $1.99 when really I'm paying $2.00 since that stupid little tiny 9 next to it for nine tenths of a cent. It's just so ridiculous that I'll drive the extra half mile because I want it to be under $2.00 or I want to beat that gas station even by a measly cent or two. I'd just love to get rid of that tiny stupid 9.
2. Giving birth.. seeking storks for employment

3. Merging on the highway
If you find merging fun, I am envious. I wouldn't say the act of merging is that bad.. it's the being on the highway and people that BRAKE when they are supposed to merge!! I just think there's got to be a better way to do this. Merging either makes me scream out of the jeep or makes me ditch into the fast lane so I just don't have to deal with it. Then you have the people that pretty much refuse to let you merge in, when you're trying to do it right.
4. the "isms"
5. Drivers have to retake the actual driving test at the age of 70
I'm not exactly set on the age of 70.. maybe 75, maybe 65, or 90.. and it's not necessarily because I think that old people can't drive. I'm just looking out for their safety and our safety. If they pass, then great!
6. A Mute Button
Just a little flick of the wrist and the person or persons you desire.. would just kind of go on "mute". And I know if you're a parent, a teacher, or you have coworkers (there's always that one).. then you're agreeing with me and thinking YASSS!
7. A machine or robot to fold or iron laundry
What a waste of time! Let's invent a machine or robot that could literally fold the clothes and iron any that needed it right after they are dried. Our time could be much better spent and getting wrinkled clothes out of the dryer two days later is not a solution.
8. Mandatory snuggles or hugging
Not in a weird, creeper, predator type of way but I'd be sure everyone had a good dose of hugging or cuddling. Why? Research shows that hugging is extremely effective at healing sickness, disease, loneliness, depression, anxiety, and stress. Imagine how much healthier and happier we'd people if people gave and received more genuine hugs or cuddles! Maybe that's why I don't get sick often.. hmm..
9. End hunger and poverty
Yes, I'll put a genuine one in here. And I know there always has to be people that are richer than others and those that are not quite as well off.. but it's the kids I see without heat, without dinner, without clean clothes- none of which they deserve. Yeah, I'd get rid of that.

Everyone complains there is not enough time in the day.. I get that. So I'd mandate no more than 8 hours at work and at least 2 hours of "choice time" each day. (But if you do the math hopefully you have more than 2 hours, but I understand we've got other responsibilities.) 8 hours of sleep, 8 hours of work, 1 hour commute, and then hopefully a little food, a little exercise, something of enjoyment, family time, etc. We only live once and I think some of us just really need to enjoy our time on earth a bit more and not get caught up in the boring day to day stuff.
If you had the crown for a day, what would you do?
leave the "eh" behind
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