Wednesday, April 19, 2017

HELLO fresh!

Of course it's reasonable to be skeptical of fresh food getting dropped off, in perfect baggies, ready to go, with an easy and simple recipe. Sounds too perfect, right!?

I would absolutely recommend 'Hello Fresh'.  I was really unsure but I figured.. might as well give it a try!  (you can cancel your subscription at anytime or you can skip weeks super easily) If you're in for a try.. use my promo code at the end of this post to get $40 off your first order!  (which is 2 nights of meals for two FOR FREE!)

So what did it look like?  This awesome package showed up at my door the day I chose. 
And yes, the meat was still cold and they were divided into each meal and each recipe had its own card.   

So the first meal we went for was the toasted rice and shrimp bowl. 

 First of all.. I'm obsessed with the packaging and the recipe cards!  You can bet I'm keeping every single recipe card to use again. And when you open the box.. there are all your ingredients- just smiling at you! 

So we got to cooking!  Following the recipe card step by step. The instructions are clear, the pictures are exactly what ours looked like, and the ingredients were clearly labelled. 

oh!  And a margarita is always a plus when cooking and went great with this recipe.  

These are some photos from the steps throughout the recipe.  The kitchen smelled amazing and cooking with someone else is always fun! 

This is the end product and let me tell you- it was awesome!  (and remember, I'm a picky eater, very picky eater!)  And did I mention this recipe is ONLY 550 calories a serving (which is plenty, we were both full) 

So what's so great... you could make this on your own right?  Yes.  But let me tell you avoiding the grocery line, not ending up with extra of the "random ingredients" needed for a recipe, actually coming up with a recipe, and coming up with one that's actually good for you--- forget all of that!  Hello Fresh takes care of all those things for you!  It's a no brainer!  If you have the budget where you could do it every week.. go for it!  If not, you can skip weeks as you wish with one simple click!  For me and Dave spring is just absolutely crazy with both of us coaching so this is a great answer for us!  And remember you can cancel at any time. 
But wait... you have kids (possibly picky eaters) or you're a vegetarian!  No excuses!  They have a classic plan, family plan, and veggie plan. 

Interested in giving it a try?!  Click here to receive $40 off! with my personal code. 

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