Sunday, April 23, 2017

What Marriage Spark?

I'm not quite 25 and my husband and I have been married almost 3 years now.  I'm not going to say we're perfect.. but I honestly wouldn't change a thing about getting married "young".  I actually love the way things fell in place and I truly believe the following things keep the spark in our marriage.  I swear some days it feels like we've been married a week and sometimes like we've been married 20 years.  Whether we feel like pros or like we're still in the honeymoon phase.. each and every day, there's a spark with him. 

I think it's because...

We really do kiss each other goodnight.. every night, no matter what.  
Even if we're in a little tiff, had a pretty "quiet" dinner, or if someone's not feeling too good - there's always a good night kiss.  We promised ourselves that when we started dating.  There's just something about the kiss that says, "I love you and we got this."  (Even if that means we'll talk about "it" tomorrow)

We are not attached at the hip.
I do girls nights, he hangs with the guys, and not necessarily on the same night.  Yes, we might leave the other at home.  And of course, I miss him when I crawl into my best gal's bed at the end of the night.  But that's what we need.. some "ME" time.  ( I hate to say it.. but that's the hardest part about getting married young though.  So many people then pretend or assume that you are attached at the hip now.  So then you may see some invites or friendships decline, and it hurts) I think the "ME" time allows us to miss each other, allows us to appreciate each other, allows us to to be "friend" first, and reinforces our unwavering trust.
We say "I love you" often, and I mean OFTEN. 

We say it in words, and try to as much as possible in actions.  Who doesn't want to be reminded that they are loved.  Sometimes I catch myself saying "I just love you".  Because when you think about it.. it's true.  Even if I started dinner too early, and it's super cold by the time he gets home.. it's just "because I love him" :)

He's my best friend. 
(don't get me wrong.. I have others, duh.  I need someone to get ice cream with, indulge in wine, talk about Dave with, and to see a chick flick with.  Or heck, to be their wing woman!)  But in all seriousness, Dave is my best friend.  We're not just husband and wife.. we are friends.  We rag on each other like friends, we do stupid things together, we count the hours until we see each other, and everything is better with him by my side.

We both wear "the pants".
People joke and ask who wears the pants in relationships.  Some days it may seem like one more than the other.  But really, we both have a pant leg.  We hold budget meetings each month, we calendar together, we make plans to tackle debt, and we both do work around the house. And we both have hopes and dreams that the other supports.  

Lastly, we laugh. A lot. 
We laugh at each other, at ourselves, and just when we are together in general.  What fun is life if you don't laugh?  People wouldn't believe how odd things may be sometimes in our house.. but we make each other laugh, even if sometimes someone ends up with a scratch, bruise, or minor concussion!  What's a marriage without laughter and being able to see your #1 with a big ol' smile?
leave the "eh" behind
and love with spark again

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