Sunday, January 22, 2017

The Beginning, A Very Good Place to Start

So where is this coming from.. Why would I write a blog?

Well, let's back up a bit.  Starting a blog is on my 30 things to do before 30 list.  I heard of this idea from a friend in my Bible study and I absolutely fell in love with it!

I always had a bucket list.  I actually found the one I created freshmen year of high school on my mac a couple of weeks ago.  And what's awesome.. I did some of the things listed without being aware!  Going to Europe and getting married are two that I'm lucky to have enjoyed off my list.

But on my new list, the 30 before 30, I put down start a blog.  This idea is almost foreign to me because I tend to be a very "closed book" and introverted kind of girl.  The idea that people can look into my life and thoughts that I'll never meet is slightly scary.  It's like letting someone other than myself or my husband wash my underwear.  Talk about up close and personal!

So who am I?  For those of you that don't know me, feel free to check out my about me page.  But really I'm just a 20 something girl that's starting to figure it out, well, I think. Maybe not the whole "it" of life.. but bits and pieces with my husband, family, and friends by my side.

My weight fluctuates and so does my level of sarcasm; but as for my favorite color and passions, they're static.  Other then cuddling with my husband, my favorite part of the day is teaching the fashion design course to my high schoolers.  I'm not sure as of now what the content will be here in this space but I've always been one to write and reflect.

My life goes in many directions so I have a feeling this blog may do so as well.  Hopefully not in a broken wing bug kind of way but a hand in hand with life way.  They say you should write about a niche.. well I cannot guarantee that, but I can guarantee things relating to heels, aprons, and cuddles will definitely be written about.  And if one person reads and laughs, finds comfort, inspiration, or a friend in me then writing was worth it.  I hope you join me.. for whatever this ride is about to be!

leave the "eh" behind

Any thoughts or interest please share, post, comment, and more!

1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to reading,getting great DIY advice and learning more about you along the way!
